Definition of Bull shark

1. Noun. A most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide; heavy-bodied and dangerous.

Exact synonyms: Carcharhinus Leucas, Cub Shark
Generic synonyms: Requiem Shark
Group relationships: Carcharhinus, Genus Carcharhinus

Definition of Bull shark

1. Noun. a shark, ''Carcharhinus leucas'', that is common in both temperate and tropical coastal waters ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bull Shark

bull dykes
bull fiddle
bull horn
bull market
bull markets
bull mastiff
bull neck
bull nettle
bull nose
bull pine
bull ring
bull rope
bull ropes
bull session
bull sessions
bull shark
bull sharks
bull snake
bull terrier
bull terriers
bull thistle
bull thistles
bull through
bull tongue
bull trap
bull traps
bull trout
bulla ethmoidalis
bulla tympanica

Literary usage of Bull shark

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Sharks of Florida, the Bahamas, the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico by Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch (2000)
"The bulk of the bull shark might suggest that it is a sluggish animal. ... A bull shark has been observed charging straight at a tarpon which it slammed ..."

2. Red Sea Sharks by Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch (1999)
"Traditionally, sharks faced prédation from only a few sources. The first is from larger sharks. For example the bull shark (probably absent from the Red ..."

3. Costa Rica Alive! by Bruce Morris (2002)
"He fishes from the bull shark, a well-equipped 19-foot center console with twin Yamaha four-stroke 80s. Eddy works independently with all the lodges from ..."

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